2021 whisky shipments to Russia are 61% higher than pre-pandemic. Invasion of Ukraine and trade restrictions may reverse this trend.
7% of Poland's alcohol market is Scotch, compared to 70% vodka. Polish whiskey exports are up 37% between 2019 and 2021.
Scotch whisky's marketing value is something the industry doesn't want diluted: a German distillery's use of 'Glen' in one of its product names was upheld this year.
Scotch sales in Mexico fluctuated due to the outbreak, but the spirit recovered. Mexico-UK Spirits Agreement protected Scotch in 2020.
Scotch shipments to Spain were 15% lower in 2018 than in 2019, indicating slow customer response to restored on-trade channels. Lockdown lowered Spanish wine consumption estimates.
Japan produces high-quality whisky, although Scottish whisky is popular. Some distillers combine Scotch and Japanese whisky, which is dubious. In April 2021, labelling drinks as "Japanese whisky" was banned.
Brazilians favour Scotch over cachaça. 2021 exports increased 91% from 2019. Whisky Invest Direct reports 95% of Brazil's Scotch is bottled mixtures. Drink is a status symbol in the centre and south.
Transatlantic spirits trade was disrupted by EU-US tariffs. Scotch shipments to the US declined 1% in 2021, while their value fell 26% to £789.8m. Despite the reduction, the US is Scotch's top market.
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India is the seventh-largest Scotch market, 44% over pre-pandemic levels. United Spirits (Diageo's Indian division) and Indian officials likely disagree over the 150% bottle customs duty.
The French import 176m bottles, or 2.5 litres per adult, of Scotch (£386.6m last year). Consumers prefer domestic spirits, but 2021 volume was 1% higher than in 2019.