It's dusty outside, despite the fresh air. Pollen and dust can get through window and door screens. Closing windows and doors reduces dust.

Keep Windows and Doors Closed 

Washable doormats inside and outside entrances prevent dust brought in on shoes and paws. Removing shoes at the door reduces dust in entryways.

Use Doormats and Remove Shoes

Carpets and rugs are more likely to trap dust than hard floors. If you can't remove the carpet, daily vacuuming reduces surface dust. Carpet removal reduces dust, but hard floors should still be mopped weekly.

Update and Maintain Floor Covering

Dust mites love dead skin in bedrooms and bathrooms. Bed linens, towels, and bath mats are allergen-free when washed weekly. 3 dust-mite-proof beds. Dust mites are reduced, not dust.

Change and Wash Bedding and Towels Weekly

Clear the Clutter

Examine your papers or grandma's teapots. Dirty? Our home's displayed and openly stored items are dusty. Donate junk. Behind glass doors, dust less often.

Identify Dust Trap

Some surfaces in homes tend to trap dust. You probably can't or won't get rid of all of them, but you should identify them and clean or replace them.

Use the Proper Cleaning Tool

Using a HEPA-filtered vacuum reduces dust recirculation. 3 Instead of a feather duster, use an electrostatic disposable duster or microfiber cloth. Clean your tools so they perform well.

Take Care of Your Furry Pet

Pets' dander and fur particles contribute significantly to indoor dust levels. 4 If you're dust sensitive, bathe pets often and limit their number.

Change Air Filter

Change central and individual air filters regularly. Dust is kept out of homes by circulating air through filters. Others must be replaced monthly. 0.3-micron dust, pollen, mould, and bacteria are removed by a HEPA filter.

Add an Air Purifier

Purifiers remove dust and odours. Most use a fan to filter and recirculate room air. Blueair air purifiers vary in size and price. Regular use reduces dust.
