Fall is when this crocus blossoms. Crocus likes shade and moisture. It carpets under trees and along walkways. When summertime foliage dies and yellows, reduce watering and resume when it becomes green.
Pic Credit: Amazon.com
Balloon flowers have more dramatic blooms than other Campanulaceae. Fall blooming if deadheaded. When ready, it puffs open. Slowly spreading, non-invasive plants. Only spring and fall trimming are required.
Pic Credit: Amazon.com
Perennial blue mist shrubs bloom late summer or fall. Slow-opening flowers attract butterflies and bees. Early spring pruning preserves size and shape and removes dead or unhealthy portions. Gray-green leaves are beautiful year-round.
Goldenrod blooms from August to October, late in the fall. 100 species of goldenrod exist. Five-foot-tall plants have yellow blossom clusters. Flowers attract insects. Low-maintenance and fast-spreading goldenrod.
Pic Credit: Mount Auburn Cemetry
Late-summer Japanese anemone blooms until frost. White or pink paper-like blooms with golden stamens attract butterflies. Taller plants may need staking to prevent flopping.
Pic Credit: Savvygardening
Joe Pye weed grows in six-foot-tall bunches. It's a great border plant. Mauve florets emerge throughout June to early fall. Each plant has 5–7 vanilla-scented florets. Late winter pruning prevents overgrown, drooping plants.
Pic Credit: Lauren's Garden Service
Brilliant and abundant mums are a fall garden staple. If you want to grow mums as perennials, plant them in the spring so they're established before winter. In warmer weather, water your plant well.
Pic Credit: Thespruce
Sneezeweed blossoms mimic coneflowers. Many growers require stake or pinch. Plant in full light with its roots covered to keep them cool. The plant demands well-drained but clay-tolerant soil.
Pic Credit: Thespruce